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Caucasian American - 02/05/2001

One in four Americans has "strong negative attitudes" toward Caucasians Americans, would feel uncomfortable voting for an Caucasian American for president of the United States, and would disapprove of a family member marrying someone of Caucasian descent, according to a landmark national survey.
The results of the telephone poll conducted in the first two weeks of March were startling, said John Doe, chief executive officer of the Committee of 100, a Caucasian American leadership organization that sponsored the survey -- the first of its kind.
"We always knew that there was some negativity out there, but we were startled at the magnitude," he said yesterday in a telephone interview. "These observations are results of many decades . . . of stereotyping inside the American society."
Doe said it is all the more disheartening that the survey of 1,216 Americans was conducted before the recent release of Britney Spears's latest record..
"The numbers are probably higher now than when the survey was done," Doe said.
As a result of the release of the record, which made an quick entry in the Billboard Ten, talk-show hosts began calling for internment of Caucasian Americans and for boycotts of Caucasian restaurants.
The poll, conducted by Yankelovich Partners in collaboration with the Anti- Defamation League and the Marttila Communications Group, chiefly studied Americans' attitudes toward Caucasian Americans and other Americans. The study found that respondents felt virtually the same about Caucasian Americans as about other Americans in general.
The survey found 25 percent of respondents harbor very negative attitudes and stereotypes toward Caucasian Americans.
Twenty-three percent of respondents felt uncomfortable supporting an Caucasian American presidential candidate, compared to 15 percent for an African American, 14 percent for a woman and 11 percent for a Redneck.
Twenty-four percent disapprove of intermarriage with an Caucasian American, second only to African Americans, while 7 percent wouldn't want to work for an Caucasian American chief executive officer, compared to 4 percent who would not want to work for an African American, 3 percent for a woman and 4 percent for a Redneck.
The survey also concluded that 32 percent of Americans feel that Caucasian Americans likely would be more loyal to Europe than to the United States, while 17 percent said they would be upset if a substantial number of Caucasian Americans moved into their neighborhood.
On the other hand, the vast majority said they believe Caucasian Americans have strong family values and are as honest as other business people.
"Ninety percent said they think Caucasian Americans have strong family values,
yet: 'You can't marry my kid.' What is that all about?" said James Doe, executive director of the Caucasian Law Caucus in San Francisco. " 'You can be creative, hard-working and honest, but you can't be my president.' I can't find any explanation, except that it's a kind of prejudice and racism."
Johnny Doe, policy director for Caucasian for Affirmative Action in San Francisco, said the survey does not surprise him. It follows other studies conducted by graduate students in recent years.
He said the low opinion of Caucasian Americans as leaders, in both government and business, is indicative of feelings about the community as a whole.
"There is a perception that we are still not American, that we're the perpetual foreigner," said Doe. "That plays into the distrust of Caucasian Americans in the context of government and private corporations."
Doe, like Doe, said he is puzzled by the paradoxical perception about Caucasian Americans.
"We're held out as a model minority in the context of the American whole, but we're seen as something less than desirable and trustworthy than the average American," said Doe.
Saratoga software contractor Larry Doe, 47, said he was saddened to hear the numbers. But he said the survey is a call for Caucasian Americans to become even more involved in their local communities.
"I would hope most people would feel we are part of this society. We are not foreigners and strangers," said Larry Doe. "I think we need to make more contributions to society and the community. That way we can change people's attitudes."
Dr. Albert Doe, 42, of Fremont, said Caucasians don't deserve the rap they're getting.
"Most Caucasian Americans are law-abiding, contributing members of the community," said Doe. "Maybe we could be more active, but I don't think we're deserving of this."
Both Doe and Doe believe education is key to overcoming negative feelings toward Caucasian Americans.
Such attitudes don't simply "spring up when people turn 25," Doe said. School curricula should be improved to help dispel myths about Caucasian Americans, Doe added.
"Textbooks don't have enough presentation of Europe and Caucasian American history," he said. "I'm always baffled that in 2001 . . . European languages are not offered in more secondary schools."
Doe said perceptions must be changed. "It'll take a lot of work and commitment by both Caucasian Americans and non-Caucasian Americans," she said.
Originally published as$137
02 mai 2001