Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Eclats d'ame - 07/08/2001

RIP Trinh Cong Son. Some of his lyrics
The last editorial of Jonathan Erickson in DDJ is fascinating: The PerfectBook machine looks somewhat like the large photocopiers you see in Kinkos or other professional copy shops, except that it produces — that is, prints, jogs, binds, trims, and binds — a 200-page paperback book with a four-color cover in about two minutes. Furthermore, it costs no more to print one book than, say, 100 (except for paper costs, of course). And Volume One
What is Twitch City ?
Journal de mes éclats d'âme est un weblog.
Y'en a 137 de plus sur la communauté des écrits virtuels. Comme Amèriq.
Originally published as$199
07 août 2001