Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

A bunch of hippie anarchists... - 07/09/2001

Hier j'ai regardé un docu de Pierre Hodgson diffusé avant-hier - ca compte comment pour l'audimat ? - Pour un autre monde qui parlait de mondialisation. A la fin, y'avait une dame Indienne (Vandana Shiva très; surement) qui parlait du McDo de Millau et disait en gros "c'est moche dans le paysage".
Sûr que c'est moche mais si je me souviens bien du dernier batiment qu'un paysan a construit, c'était du béton et un toit en taule.
Via linkmachinego, an interview of Douglas Coupland Irony is with us for ever now. And you can't work around it, you can only go through it. You have to toy with it, stretch it, go deadpan, satirical, farcical. You seriously expect people to react to this fantastically dense, sleazy onslaught of information - text, images - and behave as if they were punting in Cambridge ?
His new book All Families Are Psychotic
Hip to be Square, the lyrics.
Aujourd'hui, j'ai regardé Campus (produit par Europe1). Lunettes bleu, Tee-Shirt bleu et fond bleu. Deux constats: Will Self, au lieu de le doubler, ils ne pouvaient pas le sous-titrer?. Et s'ils pouvaient éviter de raconter la fin des livres, ca serait moins frustrant (je suis pas comme Harry). Voire ne pas les résumer et se contenter d'en lire les 10 premières lignes.
A link from an E/N (Everything/Nothing) site: Michael Jackson. And what is A/C: not Anonymous Coward !
Some DivX tools.
Adobe SVG Viewer Beta Release 3 for win32 et MacOs9/MacOSX is out. Mozilla will have SVG support soon. Amaya too. (SMIL When You Play That)
You can also Boycott Adobe
EEC view on Echelon (via TheRegister)
(hushmail and GnuPG are your friends.)
Via Caterina, Dr. Pseudocryptonym's Book Knowledge, public domain books. A lot of Anatole France in English. D'autres oeuvres d'Anatole en français sur ABU.
Afghans Present Aid Team's Sins, Complete With Theology Lesson Afghanistan is in its 4th year of a catastrophic drought and 22nd year of unremitting war.
Shelter Now
World Bank Presses Inquiry On Economist Who Dissents The economist, William Easterly, came under investigation by the bank's office of business ethics and integrity after he wrote an article in The Financial Times that summarized views expressed in his book.
He said the bank should encourage countries to adopt traditional free-market policies and stop lending to corrupt and incompetent governments.
"Consider the facts and it soon becomes evident," Mr. Easterly wrote in the op-ed page article, "that the $1 trillion spent on aid since the 1960's, with the efforts of advisers, and foreign aid givers, have failed to attain the desired results."

The failure of development (from the FT) and his book: The Elusive Quest for Growth
BAS la banque alternative Suisse.
Originally published as$225
07 septembre 2001