Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Big Adventures - 10/09/2001

FT on the Dimitri case
He is a foreigner with no apparent commercial ambitions who may have had no role in marketing illegal software. He is neither clearly innocent, nor clearly guilty; neither villain nor victim.
But the bigger question is this: is the new law right to target the tool rather than the user?
Seems like it's better to learn to read with a Romance language first than with English (or other Germanic languages).
Mark Pagel, an expert on language diversity at the University of Reading, acknowledges the irony that despite being the international lingua franca, English is the most difficult to learn. The dominance of English has more to do with historical accident than any innate superiority of the language, he says.
James Tobin dans LeMonde:
J'ai effectivement suggéré que les recettes de la taxe soient versées à la Banque mondiale. Cet impôt visait à limiter les fluctuations des taux de change.
Si je ne m'abuse, ATTAC est assez critique de la Banque Mondiale. Qui va gêrer l'argent taxé ?
Je pense, au contraire, que le FMI doit avoir son pouvoir renforcé et élargi. Il a, certes, commis beaucoup d'erreurs – c'est indiscutable – mais, comme la Banque mondiale, il dispose de beaucoup trop peu de moyens pour aider ses pays membres, en particulier les économies les plus pauvres et les moins développées. La Banque mondiale et le FMI ne font pas partie d'une conspiration qui a pour nom mondialisation.
Croyez-vous que votre taxe sera un jour appliquée ?
Certainement pas, hélas ! Les décideurs sur la scène internationale y sont opposés.
Vivent les sondages. A quand en France, l'affichage de la marge d'erreur du sondage ? (je rappelle que 23% des personnes affirment ne pas croire aux sondages (avec une marge d'erreur de 6%)).
Eureka! I.B.M. Develops Labs With Profits
Last year alone, I.B.M. was awarded 2,922 patents in the United States — an average of more than 11 each working day, and 43 percent ahead of NEC of Japan, in second place. It was the eighth consecutive year in which I.B.M. received the largest share of patents in the United States. (The national total last year was 176,087.)
Compensation for the research unit's managers is partly linked to the performance of I.B.M. businesses they work with, and to the grades they receive from operating managers for the quality of their relationship. It is a two-way street: operating managers are also assessed by the research unit.
Cisco Systems (news/quote) is particularly well-known for a patent portfolio built by acquiring innovative start- ups; patents now owned by Cisco have been cited at a much higher rate than I.B.M.'s in recent years. Some large rivals also grumble that I.B.M.'s current reputation as king of the research hill stems in part from its flair for public relations.
"When I visit companies and start asking questions, I often get `That's a great question; we'll have to look into that,' " said Rebecca M. Henderson, a professor at the Sloan School of Management at M.I.T. who studies corporate research. "Every time I raise a question at I.B.M., they say, `That's a great question, and here's what we're doing about it.' "
A NAND gate is an universal gate. But not an universal quantum gate.
Speaking of Gates, Michael Moore asks you to Donate a Buck to Bill Gates
25 jeunes d'ici et d'ailleurs
Grâce aux satellites, des pays pauvres partout dans le monde ont aujourd'hui accès à Internet, dit la jeune femme. Et des régions entières où il n'y a pas encore de lignes téléphoniques terrestres peuvent communiquer par cellulaire. Communiquer et être informé, c'est la clé du véritable pouvoir.
Bleu and Blanc se veut parallèle: le tourisme est considéré comme un instrument de développement social et on met l'accent sur le respect de l'environnement et des cultures régionales.
Some States Fight Junk Food Sales in Schools
Teenagers today are almost three times as likely to be overweight as they were 20 years ago, the agency announced this year, prompting many lawmakers to take aim at the junk food they believe is to blame.
The food industry says children need more exercise, not fewer choices. The bills have also angered school administrators nationwide, intensifying an already heated debate over the prevalence of commercial interests in the education system.
Educators, in turn, say that it is the lawmakers who are hypocritical, because as tax revenues sag in tandem with the economy, state legislatures are cutting school budgets, leaving districts with few choices but to search for substitute funds.
Researchers vacillate, pointing out that children are eating more of almost everything, not just sweets, while exercising less. In fact, only 29 percent of students attended daily physical education classes in 1999, compared with 42 percent in 1991, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it harder for them to burn off the extra calories they have put on.
H1B for ever...
Technically, foreign workers who have lost their jobs in technology industry cutbacks should leave the United States. Realistically, they may not have to.
``If I do the wrong thing now, I could screw everything up,'' he said. ``And nobody really knows what to do. I called the people at the INS three different times, and each time they told me something different.''
Telemarketer Fight a Real Call to Arms
Americans made a record $612 billion in purchases over the phone last year, $257 billion spent by consumers and the remainder by businesses, the Direct Marketing Assn. says. The telemarketing industry employs 5.7 million people nationally, including half a million in California, and expects its ranks to grow to 6.9 million by 2005.
La liste Orange de France Telecom
Quicken can be a tool -- or home wrecker
``All those years, it's been the same argument: `You're spending too much.' And then they have the proof.'' It's too bad Quicken doesn't include a pop-up box with Park's response to such evidence: ``How important is this marriage to you? Are you willing to give up being right because the marriage is more important?''
This is GnuCash.
War on TV
The problem, always, is truth. If a work of art about war does not tell the truth, it is obscene -- but how can one tell this truth ?
The War Song. 19. Et Yves Mourousi en a même fait la version française.
Courtney Love's big Sacramento adventure
"The deck is stacked in the labels' favor," Henley said. "Record companies can fire us, but we can't fire them."
Henley and Love said successful artists should not be made to pay for the risks labels take on untested bands, and that recording companies should show more restraint before inking a band to a record deal. "If they would sign less artists, I think everyone would be better off," Henley said. "Record companies are letting their arrogance get in the way of good business sense."
What exactly Love's "label" is provides a trenchant insight into the current state of the music industry. DGC is an offshoot of Geffen Records, now controlled by a company called the Universal Music Group, which is itself a subsidiary of the giant Vivendi Universal conglomerate, which among other things is the biggest record distributor in the world.
"What this really comes down to is control and respect," Love said. "I've made more for Universal than 'Titanic.' And are they even nice to me? No. They're rude!"
Originally published as$226
10 septembre 2001