Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Parallel Internets - 04/10/2001

A funny thing I noticed last time I was in SF, GoodVibrations were advertising on tv more like a relaxation center than a fancy sexshop.
Le Monde Iniatives est sorti Lundi avec comme accroche Et si le social était la solution aux dérives capitalistiques.
Joseph Schumpeter
A Wireless Neighborhood Freenet
One of the very interesting side effects of our Freenet is the almost immediate rise of a parallel Internet. Because our community is diversified and technophile enough, after a few days people already had the first Freenet public web pages out targeting fellow Freenet participants. One guy put up a small web page selling his consulting service for people needing help with configuration and installation issues. A student in the neighborhood is starting a Freenet web site (which eventually might become accessible from the public Internet as well) offering to do the shopping for people, including home delivery.
/. covers the Byte article: readers provide a few more links: Wireless Anarchy and the Freenet Project (son adaptation française Wireless Fr), Personnal Telco.
Dans le MondeInitiatives, y'a une tribune de Yves Lasfargues qui parle de technophobes et de technophiles qui s'opposent dans leur conception du monde et des relations: y'en a qui préfereront faire 30 bornes pour parler à un vendeur que de commander par Minitel, Audiotel ou Internet. Et il poursuit en écrivant que le fossé numérique est plus qu'amplifié par les vendeurs informatiques et ne correspond pas encore à une réalité alarmante.
Le fait est qu'à l'heure actuelle, je n'imagine pas grand monde vivre sans téléphone. Quand j'ai fait le 10 14 en réaction au matraquage de FT sur l'ADSL, ma charmante correspondante m'a hélas confirmé que ce n'était pas possible chez moi et que aucun travail n'était prévu dans l'année qui suit. Donc dans deux ans peut-être.
C'est quoi l'ergostressie ?
Google got tabs on the Home Page.
Divorce, Japanese Style
In Japan, splitting up often means saying goodbye to children forever. There is no such thing as joint custody, and in the few cases where courts grant visitation, there is no enforcement. Most divorces occur with both parties simply signing a one-page "consent" form that requires only the most basic information. No need for a lawyer. Stamp it with your hanko name seal and it's done.
Au Japon, toujours, Premier bébé né du sperme assaini d'un porteur du virus HIV
Originally published as$239
04 octobre 2001