Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Fun - 20/11/2001

JY asks What is a FUN software ?
fun: a source of amusement or entertainment or pleasure.
My idea of fun in software usually includes creation in one form or another (text, sound, graphic), often involves randomness (and sometimes chaos), is addictive in one way (game) or the other (I get something promising and then I imagine a way to obtain something better, so I tweak more). And of course it allows me to do things quicker/better than with real life objects.
Fun softwares: Robot Odyssey, HyperCard, POV and Blender, perl regexp, python prompt, Online Synonym/SpellChecker and macro, Fantavision / PaintShopPro, Mozilla XUL, Tetris and bitchX.
RadioUserland is also a fun software; even if the documentation is crappy to use, and more or less implies you are a lucky broadband user.
It is as fun as a cocktail: it's a smart mix of various great generic tools: an outliner, a RSS content aggregator, a scripting language, a database, a weblog helper, a web server.
But it does not work with Linux. And UserTalk is one more scripting language to learn, that does not have tremendous new ideas compared to similar languages (python, perl, vba, php)
According to Dave it should be even greater to use RUL soon.
In my (not so) endless quest to produce crappy music automa(t|g)ically, I would like to use the pattern and logic of everyday text to produce musical harmony and melody... except I don't exactly know how yet. Any link of previous work and papers from smarter scientists are welcome (Valuable keywords so I can use my friend Google will do, too). Yes, I consider that a FUN project.
in Europe, where I was raised, the concept of outlining is not taught or even discussed in Schools!
The first time I wrote something using an outliner, I had fun. Because it was a new tool allowing me to write more than one idea at the same time, without having to worry about how many blank lines I should have between each ideaor in what order I should put down these ideas. Sure I can outline unformally with NotePad, but using an outliner makes it easier.
Identity on the web
We want to have one identity on the Web while we are out constructing many selves — the sage on one discussion list, the wise-ass in a chat room, and the killing machine in a Quake III fragfest. Insofar as we think our playful Web selves can be tied back to our legally-binding identity, our Web selves will be inhibited, chagrined or even rather ashamed of themselves. Identity is grown up; Web-self is childlike. Identity is superego; Web-self is id. Identity is business; Web-self is play. Identity is physics; Web-self is art.
Girls just want to have fun Listen to Cindy Lauper before Britney does a cover (and the author's version)
Originally published as$289
20 novembre 2001