Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Joueb - 31/12/2001

A new Phrack is out (via, with an interesting article on SOAP::Lite potential problems.
I like Michael Wolff's prose. And Carl Hiaasen too (great fiction also available). In the same Miami Herald, there is also the weekly Dave Barry, and that article: They're not Barbie and Ken, but Ghetto Kids make a mark
Sex gifts for Australian businessmen. I prefer stock options. Even underwater ones.
Bitacoras y recomendaciones
¿Qué es una bitácora?
Las bitácoras estan escritas en orden cronológico sobre cualquier tipo de tema, puede ir desde unas cuantas palabras a extensos parrafos. Pueden ser escritas por una o varias personas. En un principio las bitácoras servian para linkear a otros sitios junto con un comentario. Al pasar del tiempo el concepto se ha extendido a opiniones, emitir noticias e inclusive personas contando su vida diaria.
Aplicaciones en línea como el Blogger, han hecho la vida más fácil para miles de personas que escriben en línea, dandoles una manera sencilla de poner una bitácora.
Words Written, commentaries about writing, personal thoughts about the artistic processes and the fragments that Vernieda scribbles now and then -- everything is there.
Computers are great: a software to do EVP. Beware, though, that if you read this entry backward and your head upside down, you might discover that it is not indeed a palindromic one, and, amazingly, that Elvis was fat and that I'm not (except for these fancy love handles, of curse.)
GBoogle: indexing the GBlogs and for fun and prophets.
Does not seem to index Last changed on Blogger though.
Adverteasing: Perceptions
SEX, SEX, and more SEX!!! Come in and check it out. (Ok not really but if it will get people in here why not?)
While scanning Amazon Scan (found via EVHEAD), I liked that wonderfully title: Licensed Varieties of Potatoes .
Better than Cheap&Dale Meet the broccoli boys (via Web sucks)
Molly Kiely I am just another Canadian Silicon Valley executive assistant moonlighting as a radical feminist slapstick pornographer: things to look at.
A nice domain name and a nice map.
And Liberty Meadows is not a a nationally syndicated comic strip anymore, but a full comic book: will Brandy says YES ?
Originally published as$333
31 decembre 2001