Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Super Dupont - 24/01/2002

Do the Math (via End the War on Freedom)
Guess what boys and girls. If we're going to stop crime, if we're going to stop terrorism, it's gonna have to be us, not the police, not the politicians, not the army, that does the stopping. Guns in hand. That's reality. Your opinion of it doesn't change it one wit.
Content a Tough Sell in Europe
When it comes to paying for content online, Europeans are proving to be tough customers.
Aside from the lucrative world of online porn, Euro consumers simply won't give up the notion of the Web as the biggest free lunch of all time. According to a new study of Internet payment habits, 47 percent of European Web users would not even consider paying for Internet content.
RateYourWriting.Com was offically launched dedicated to providing a new, cost-free avenue for writers to showcase their works.. This unique new, free service allows users to read, comment and rate others poems, short stories, articles and more as well as submission of pieces to be judged by other users!. 109 oeuvres so far
Weight loss for geeks. And the music that goes with that is obviously Fat
Anals of Marketing (via Doc)
DPS-FTP is a multi-threaded FTP client for GNOME. It was originally called Kevlar FTP, since its interface was inspired by Bulletproof FTP, and Kevlar is bullet-proof. But DuPont actually sent me a notice telling me that I can't use their trademarked product names in my product name. They were generous enough to allow me to say that my product contains Kevlar, however. After explaining to them that, being software, my product does not contain Kevlar, and that I'm not making any money from the product, they still would not let me use it. So, I renamed the program to DuPont Sucks FTP, or DPS-FTP.
Plus tard: pour ceuz qui arrivent sur cette page en cherchant des infos sur SuperDupont, vous aurez plus de succès en refaisant votre recherche sans espace. Sinon y'a : les caractéristiques de SuperDupont si vous faites du jeu de rôle, une présentation de la série avec les couvertures et la boutique en ligne de Fluide Glacial pour vos achats. Vous trouverez aussi plus d'information en général sur la BD avec Bedetheque, la base de données de BD(avec la page dédiée à SuperDupont) et aussi sur BD Net.
For those who don't know, SuperDupont is a parody of US-style superheroes made by Marcel Gotlib, Jacques Lob, Jean Solé and Alexis.
Originally published as$355
24 janvier 2002