Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Create and Contribute - 28/01/2002

DDJ is out with the usual interesting articles. The editorial is about the Boeing strike and deals with what makes tech people happy in their job
Sure, money is fine, but more often than not, people choose technical vocations because of the opportunity to create and contribute
bauchklang, a vocal group.
Caterina wonders if pessimism and smartness are related.
In case your feeling down , sing or even better dress
Hotmail policy change:
Hotmail accounts that have not been signed into for 30 days will be moved to inactive status — and e-mail, folders, and Address Book contacts for these accounts will be deleted. However, an inactive Hotmail address can easily be reactivated by simply signing in to Hotmail within 90 days after the account first becomes inactive. To avoid having your account become inactive, just be sure to sign in to your account at least once every 30 days.
In other words, read spam at least once a month.
And decided to change and automatic forward from a free service to a premium service (Annual Subscription: USD$9.95). Time to really buy a domain name, (Annual Subscription €12), I think.
Originally published as$356
28 janvier 2002