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Colombia, evil, recession, education and the Matrix - 28/05/2002

All that must be done for evil to flourish in this world is for the good man to remain silent. Edmund Burke (via Camnews)
Explosive Analyst, William Arkin, giving Opinions Left and Right. (via MediaNews)
A Policy In From the Cold by William Arkin.
A Lighthearted Candidate, A Luis Eduardo Garzón in Colombia Gives a Lift to the Left.
A former Communist — once so dogmatic, he says, that he tested prospective girlfriends on their leftist credentials before dating them — Mr. Garzón lives with his mother, a former cleaning woman who was thrown out by her own mother for having had her boy out of wedlock.
Uribe Vélez, Presidente electo de Colombia
El candidato de la izquierda, Luis Eduardo Garzón obtuvo 678.214 votos, lo que supone 6,19 por ciento del total

The PoorButHappy Colombia Guide
Screen Language: The New Currency for Learning
Vernacular : The standard native language of a country or locality.
Nonprofit to wire up rural Asian schools
"E-mail is such a popular application in these communities where people have been isolated for so many generations," said Wood, who travels to Asia frequently to supervise the building of Room to Read classrooms and installation of computers. "In Vietnam, many citizens grew up not able to communicate with the outside world freely or cheaply. Now they can keep in touch. They are amazed at the power of the Internet."
The eternal desire
The desire for peace is eternal. But it's fair to wonder, given the madness of our species, if it isn't also eternally futile.
Organize, Vassar Students Are Told
"This is a time of crisis," [the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner] said. "And in a time of crisis, you have to focus on being real."
Journal Boycott Over Online Access Is a Bust
Few of the 30,000 scientists who pledged to boycott journals that don't make their content free online after six months have actually followed through on that threat, and few journals have changed their ways. Now the boycott's leaders are planning a new tactic -- starting their own journals so scientists have a viable alternative to traditional publishers.
And the surreal generated Poem: Colombia Gives a study of your literary Traveler. Their own journals that threat, and a Board: the 30, que tu pas de la izquierda, Luis Eduardo Garzn obtuvo 678.214 votos, lo que supone 6,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 por ciento del total The Internet. The Left. A Lighthearted Candidate, A strong point of wedlock.
Originally published as$408
28 mai 2002