Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Tickling Babes, making Babies and having weird Mustache - 16/09/2002

In Indonesia, a generation of 'orphans' from East Timor
Maya is one of an estimated 1,900 East Timorese "orphans" separated from their parents in September 1999, when the former Indonesian province voted for independence. In response, the Indonesian military drove 200,000 East Timorese from their homes into Indonesian West Timor, dividing thousands of families.
Though international attention has focused on Indonesian courts' faltering effort to account for the brutal withdrawal, the children's stories are a reminder of the lingering wounds left by Indonesia's 25-year occupation of the tiny country.
Is America the Good Guy ?, a free Christian Science Monitor's Treeless Edition.
Axis of Evil: Threat or Chimera?, published in Mediterranean Quaterly, a Journal of Global Issues (via Le Monde)
Patently problematic, an important new study shows the promise, and pitfalls, of intellectual-property rights for the poor
The commission is even more worried about the Internet, which has great potential for broadening access to education in poor countries, but in which encryption technologies can override the principle of fair use. Some publications, such as the British Medical Journal, allow free online access for people in poor countries. The commission would like to see more of this. In the meantime, it recommends that developing countries allow users to sneak round technical barriers such as encryption, to gain access for fair use. Not surprisingly, software makers are unenthusiastic.
No more wedding photographer and The Art of Intellectual Property, the digital revolution at work (via /.)
It isn't that Open Source is right; it's that Open Source is inevitable.
Open sourced or not, pretty pictures can still be made ! Brazilian version: Bella da semana (with the Making Of the photoshoot). UK version Page3. PanAsia version Absolute Idols
What is a Dirty Sanchez ? I wondered while watching icons doin'it (via Konnecticut) )- Update 2008: link is dead. Try Icon Sex in the AOL® Styleinstead.
Dirty Sanchez by Zeke, a Seattle punk band. There is a My Way cover on the album: can't be all bad! (sample mp3 here)
What is a French Tickler (sample picture)? Still thirsty ? Have a cocktail ! And of course, there is a song about it: Zee French Tickler. All that linguistic promenade because I was reading Suck.
Selected National/Ethnic Stereotype Expressions: Dutch wife. Or French Cap. Or Chinese rot, French sickness, Italian malady.
Just discovered Broken Lizards, courtesy of a DivX version of Super Troopers. Funny they are.
Aimee Mann talks about her new album Lost in Space:
[In LA] You can encounter a lot of people who are really misguided or really disturbed or really sort of awful. But you can also encounter people who are desperate to meet other people who are creative. There just aren't a lot of natural meeting places. You can go run errands, go to the dentist even, and literally not see a single person. It's a very weird feeling.
Blosxom 0.5 is out.
Merging Blog and Wiki. I really think that an architecture with the main page as a weblog (with RSS, Backtracking and archives) but Categories as Wiki Pages would make a better KM tool: same data, different views. The other idea laying around is having comments as one single text, i.e. everyone can alter previous comments. On the TODO list, as usual.
Bitflux, a browser based Wysiwyg XML Editor, is now open source (Apache License) (via SIT). With Xopus it makes two XML editors that works with Mozilla. Now all I need is integrating one of these into my blog form.
A course about online identity with a smart idea: the students will remain anonymous to each other for the first few weeks. (via Jill)
Reading is a means of thinking with another person’s mind; it forces you to stretch your own. (Charles Scribner) Blogging is a means of talking with another person’s writing!
Give and Take: H1B, budget cut, education and new chance in life. And GAO to study impact of H-1B program on hiring
The Problem: labor shortage (via a klog apart) Compare to A tale of two bellies and the Economist Special ReportDemography and the West (the comments are worth a read too)
The Talent Myth (via /.)
In terms of how we evaluate schooling, everything is about working by yourself. If you work with someone else, it's called cheating. Once you get out in the real world, everything you do involves working with other people.
Linux future according to the Lindows CEO (you can also read the annotated version)
The DungeonMaker2 creates labyrinths and dungeons using artificial life methods. (via SweetCode)
The Art of Writing Beautiful Poetry
Grandparents, I accepted, are something you lose: they’re the people we know who seem the most likely to die. To only feel a small amount of remorse was healthy, I told myself. I had been prepared, it was rational and smart and what they would have wanted. All night vigils are all right for true loves and young children; a quick goodbye and vichyssoise afterwards is perfectly fine for WASPy grandmothers.
Originally published as$433
16 septembre 2002