Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Pro Choice - 24/01/2003

Reiser, une époque formidable
En xxxx naît xxxxxxxxx, qui prêche le divorce avec la niaiserie ambiante, dénonce le viol des cerveaux, la psychose des foyers endoctrinés par l'information-spectacle,[...]
Les xxx c'est de moi: c'est fou comme les choses changent.
Babies can get TV, the same way they understand you: reading your body language.
WestWing ratings going down
What actually happened was that ABC, in a cunning piece of counterprogramming, dropped in the low-minded, critically impaled but attention-grabbing "The Bachelor" opposite President Bartlet's latest civics lesson. The effect: Young(ish) women between 18 and 49 suddenly found they had less interest in the state of the union and a lot more in the state of the bubbles in Aaron Buerge's hot tub.
A Multi-Channel PVR for linux. PVR = Personal Video Recorder i.e. a hard-disk based VCR. A PVR can can do Live Pause :you watch OM/PSG and the phone rings. You press Stop, answer the phone and press Play, the game goes on (and you can even play the recorded part a bit faster, so you can actually catch up with the live match (but you can't fast forward to the future. Not yet.) It can do Instant Replay: same game, OM/PSG, a great run, a nice shot. "Y'a pas faute. A mort l'arbitre!". And there is no replay. No problem. Pause. Rewind. Play frame per frame. Damn the referee is right, he really was hors jeu. Then there is the bit of smartness (e.g. Tivo) which grabs the TV programs and learns what you like. Then records it on its own. You come home, it was a hard day, you would like to see Caméra Café, you select one episode that was recorded during the week and watch it. Now.
Related my Tivo thinks I'm gay/nazi/french/communist/YourFavoriteMinorityGroup and video editing under linux, feedback from one user.
The Martin Luther King You Don't See On TV (via Industrie Toulouse)
What TV viewers see is a closed loop of familiar file footage: King battling desegregation in Birmingham (1963); reciting his dream of racial harmony at the rally in Washington (1963); marching for voting rights in Selma, Alabama (1965); and finally, lying dead on the motel balcony in Memphis (1968).
An alert viewer might notice that the chronology jumps from 1965 to 1968. Yet King didn't take a sabbatical near the end of his life. In fact, he was speaking and organizing as diligently as ever.
Almost all of those speeches were filmed or taped. But they're not shown today on TV.
It's because national news media have never come to terms with what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for during his final years.
Seth Godin is selling his new book.
K-Blog is so 2002. Here comes the B-Blogs. Like B-Movies ?
RSS: Parsing RSS At All Costs aka why my RSS feed isn't valid (because the tools that produce it are not good enough and I'm too lazy to change 'em). Read the discussion it's interesting too.
You are still operating under the mistaken impression that XML, in and of itself, is important. It is not. It is a means to an end. End users don't care. And they shouldn't have to care.
You want to convert your html entities to xml entities in php ? try html2unicode
In Turn, 6 U.S. Presidential Hopefuls Back Abortion Rights
"The right to choose is in grave danger from this president," said Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut. "This administration has been undermining abortion rights from the day it took office."
Cambodia shuts down red-light district
Police swooped on the brothel community, on the outskirts of the capital Phnom Penh, a day before the start of a regional tourism conference.
Sex for money: schoolgirls say it's a choice
Tokyo - Half of Japanese female junior and senior school students in a poll by the National Police Agency said it was their choice whether to have sex for money, said a report on Wednesday.
China: Code defends private property (via RiceCooker)
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress began to read a draft civil code late last month, which for the first time writes in "private ownership" alongside State ownership and collective ownership.
English chat opens doors in China
One Chinese teacher of English told me that he and his colleagues advocate making English the official second language of China. By 2040, he hopes, China will be one of the largest English-speaking countries on Earth. Radio and television programs teach it to the public.
blogs in Russia
Yesterday I searched for blogs in .ru and found out that blogging is taking off in my own country, but more in the personal diary format rather than in k-logging format.
[Playing sarcastic_haha.wav]
Linux is cool
It's interesting to watch as new users of Linux, including reps from Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and VeriSign, are trotted out to explain how great Linux is to people who have probably spent the last decade elbow deep in kernel code.
"It's like watching a baby discover its toes," said New Jersey coder Nick Nardine. "Not only does the baby think its toes are the coolest thing in the world, it insists you must discover your toes too. Watching these guys push Linux on us is endearing and annoying at the same time."
Unlike MacWorld expos, where the crowd seems to see every single Mac booster as a welcome and beloved new convert, Linux coders are less seducible. They already know open source is a good thing, they only wonder why it took everyone else so long to figure it out.
And they have figured it out. Dell has a sizable booth at the show, as does IBM, HP and Sun. Even Microsoft's booth has quadrupled in size.
Got a PC ? want to try Linux in 30s without changing _anything_at_all to your current installation. Download Knoppix. Burn the cd. Put the cd. Reboot. Watch the nice penguin. That's it: it's Linux (KDE 3 indeed). Yes, it's a bit slow, it's running from the CDROM directly. You can try Freeduc for your kids too: it works the same way, with educational software.
A propos de Linux dans l'Education, y'aura une conférence _gratuite_ le mercredi 5 février (14:00-17:00) à l'expo Solutions Solutions à Paris. Titre: Vers une banalisation des solutions libres dans l'Education Nationale
Brains, minds and teaching (Win32 IE only alas) (via McGee Musings)
Teaching is one of the most rewarding and frustrating activities that one can engage in. It is exceedingly rewarding to be able to communicate knowledge, and especially understanding, to young minds. At the same time, logistical limitations and innumerable contingencies select for a high degree of patience among aspiring teachers. This presentation attempts to bring a rarely considered perspective to bear on the problem of teaching: namely, the amount of information we have recently accumulated about how the brain actually works and learns.
Originally published as$452
24 janvier 2003