Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Business News - 16/02/2003

Des images de la Marche à NY, Paris, Montreal. Et la réflexion de Picodor
TheEconomist: Iraq, if things go badly
MANY aspects of the war hanging over Iraq are unpredictable but one is not: the unusual vulnerability of the civilian population. There are two reasons for this. First, about 60% of the population, or 16m people, are 100% dependent on the central government for their basic needs; they survive only because the government provides them with a food ration each month. Second, after two wars, decades of misgovernment and 12 years of exacting sanctions, there is no fat to rely on.
Mixing cultures: Valentines and the Lantern Festival celebrated in tandem in China
The dual holiday was a boon to shopping centers around the country as flowers and chocolates were snapped up along with the traditional Lantern Festival delicacy of boiled glutinous rice dumplings filled with sweet stuffings.
Love again. Google loves blogs. Now Google buys PyraLabs, maker of Blogger. (via /. - Note this interesting analysis) The good thing: at least Blogger creates static pages. I wonder if Google bought Pyra for the name or the technologies. I really think RadioUserland or MovableType are much advanced tools, but blog is Blogger. And the tool is web-based, just like Google. And anyways adding the missing bits (RSS, agregation and TrackBack come to mind, if not GoogleCategory based on the DMOZ hierarchy) to Blogger is not _that_ hard. Whatever, it means Google is in the hosting business, now!
Developers of blogging software have been finding user-friendly ways to help readers of weblogs and other information find and collect material from a variety of sites. It's in this arena that the Google-Pyra deal may have the most implications.
Une définition comme une autre du blog.
Chris Matthews, Political Interviewer (P.I.)
You've never run into one of them just sitting in a bar?
No! Never! And here's the thing: I traveled in the Third World with the Peace Corps. I've never felt anything but hospitality around the world. I don't think they hate me. I don't feel the hatred a lot of these right-wingers assume. I just don't have the problem a lot of these people have. Most Americans don't travel much -- some of these guys never leave the country. Still they say, "They hate us already. It doesn't matter what we do in Iraq." But nothing's more dispiriting than saying there's nothing we can do. It's a matter of immense degrees of difference between not liking your secular lifestyle, and killing you -- or killing themselves to kill you, which is even a step beyond that.
And on the war, I think my numbers would be a lot higher if I were out there beating the drum for this war. In fact, I don't think it, I know it. But I can't be for the war. I can't find a reason to be for this war. I've looked, and I can't, so I’m not. The people who are backing this war are more interested in their own ideology than what's good for the country. It's not about America. Which is scary.
George Clooney Slams 'Dumbing Down' of U.S. Television
People's misery becoming entertainment, that's what's dangerous. And that seems to be the place we're going. I worry about television
And I worry about the people with the remote control.
Originally published as$467
16 février 2003