Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Games - 09/03/2003

Almost spent 20 euros but the mp3s didn't do it for me. EZ pass started nicely with a piano intro ala Ben Fold Five and then breaked the quietness with techno bass pulsing. Next comes the voice, not too powerful but quite funky, (reminded me of if you want me to stay). So far I liked the sound of it... but it didn't grow much higher. I was expecting something more. More Funk maybe. And the other tracks didn't change that frustration. May be it's a live thing. Amazon reviewers talk about Sean Tillmann. May be I will spend my 20€ after all!
(Later: I ended up buying Asia Blue... not really convincing. And since I didn't find Kong Nay, I bought Air Mail music from Cambodia instead; I had almost forgotten the quasi hypnotic effect of the violins.
And then there were the bargains, first George Clinton's greatest Funkin' Hits was nice in a non surprising way. And the discover of the week : Sheila Chandra, I'm addicted. Two and a half out of four cds. Not a bad week-end!!)
Ni putes, ni soumises, ni comprises (via L'En Dehors, quotidien anarchiste en ligne). Et puis aussi Ni putes, ni soumises, et stars du défilé des femmes du 8 mars à Paris. En prime, Indymedia/Paris en prend pour son grade.
En kiosque, Cause toujours !: A la découverte des 6700 langues de la planète, un hors-série de Courrier International (qui fait partie du groupe LeMonde, c'est mon maraboutdeficelle par rapport à l'item précédent)
The Quiet American provides glimpses of other cultures via phonographs, snapshots of sound (via MeFi). The reader that is interested in Cambodia will directly click on Cambodia (2000 ) Field recordings made in Cambodia - aproximately 10 hours available.
24 season 2: as usual, I'm impressed by the echoes of real life event in the current storyline. And it's on Fox!
On US people and criticism about their country
De Tocqueville once observed that the average American was hypersensitive when it came to criticism, however mild, of America.
Is Gaming Creativity Dying? And yes, just like in movies (think Sundance), there is an independent scene: The Fifth Annual Independent Games Festival (see also Indiegame jam and Indie Games: Recognizing Talent).
Social Engineering in Online Games
[justin is] still processing Raph Koster's high speed broadband brainblast on user manipulation and management talks involving network theory, emergence, six degrees of separation and power laws. This is stuff [we] usually hear from webloggers.
I've been thinking about game coding, again. Gamelet: simple games done with Python and PyGame. And the PyGame Cookbook or various snippets of code using PyGame.
On a la madeleine qu'on peut. Ces petits jeux m'ont fait chercher mes vieux Jeux et Strategie. (Le 31 je me déplace avec, c'est une tradition). Dans chacun des numéros y'avait un jeu original en Basic, à taper. Y'avait la même chose dans SVM aussi. Ah! le nombre d'heures passées à taper avec deux doigts des lignes de Basic. Maintenant, un wget ou un coup de copier-coller et c'est fini!
Donc inspiré, j'ai testé en combien de temps je pouvais coder un jeu idiot (une grille 6x6, une génération alétoire des portes, une clé, quelques monstres, une princesse avec une ceinture de chasteté, des PNJ qui ne servent à rien mais qui discutent, des pièces d'or, un lit et un distributeur de barres d'énergie. Et puis le joueur). Sur un terrain petit, le hasard et une AI simpliste peuvent faire illusion, je crois. Finalement, j'ai calé au milieu de la gestion du clavier. Donc cela sera pour la prochaine fois, le jeu idiot en Python avec PyGame.
You can also use Python to build your own personal agregator and then implement any idea you want to try (be it Bayes filtering, auto translation via Google, randomize suggestion of reading, auto-subscription of RSS feeds using network neighbourhood...). There is also the effnews tutorial
Originally published as$480
09 mars 2003