Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

My opinion is not the truth - 11/03/2003

Chinese chic
There's no doubt that young Japanese are looking East, says Narihiro Kouyama, a commercial planner at the ad agency Dentsu. A few years ago, everyone wanted to go to the States. They still believed in the American dream. But after 9-11 and everything that followed, the United States doesn't seem that exciting anymore. China, on the other hand, is feverish with anticipation. It's where anyone with a product to sell can strike gold and we all want a wedge off that gigantic pie.
The Bloggies Awards 2003. It's funny! I don't read any of them except MeFi.
A nous Paris, entretien avec Michel Field:
Tu crois à la culture à la télévision ?
Sur le créneau de la culture, soyons objectifs, le public réellement intéressé est étroit. mais je ne suis pas sûr que nous ayons beaucoup moins de gens que sur le hertzien, le soir chez Guillaume Durand ou PPDA. J'ai une théorie sur la question: tout vient de la différence entre les audiences des chaînes et les gens concernés par le fait culturel. Le fait télévision, c'est-à-dire une bonne ou une très bonne audience, c'est 13 millions de téléspectateurs ou au moins 9, pour un prime time. Dans le domaine littéraire, un succès, c'est 50 000 exemplaires. A 100 000, c'est un triomphe...
Interview with the KDE and Gnome UI/Usability Developers
[Os X's interface] also taught me that eye candy is a more important part of the user experience for most people than I had previously considered. They'll put up with dreadfully slow start up times and all sorts of dot-oh interface blunders if it looks like a visual masterpiece.
Camworld: On America (via Scripting News)
Alors j'ai bien rigolé en lisant Le déclin des carnets Web américains Primo pour le Désolant concluant l'introduction, deuxio pour le Ce texte est biaisé, et je l'assume.
Lire le carnet de Glenn Reynolds ces dernières semaines, c'est avoir un condensé de tout ce que pense l'Américain moyen du reste du monde (et tout particulièrement de la France).
Génial, non! de pouvoir lire ce que publie un intellectuel informé et engagé. Un pundit (source d'opinion) n'a jamais été neutre: c'est pas son rôle. Pourquoi lui reprocher?
LeMonde: Aux Etats-Unis, les "talk radios" sont déjà parties en guerre
La majorité des émissions de libre antenne défendent les thèses conservatrices des républicains depuis que l'administration Reagan les a, en 1987, libérées du devoir d'équité.
A rapprocher de On the Radio (si vous l'avez pas lu lors de la précédente invitation)
How blogs are changing the literary landscape (in Mexico) (via Seb'Open research)
And from what I can see from here (I’m aware I lack knowledge of the power struggles and the way poelitics works in the U.S.), blogs are an opportunity to change power in specifics scenes.
If you’re not part of reading series (a very important American institution), the mags, little presses, the disciple of the Big Daddies, etc. just open a fucking blog and mess around with the established power, practices and ideas.
You don’t have to be Anybody to open one.
[...]I’m writing this I couldn’t even think of getting published into a book or magazine. I’ve become a terrorist thanks to this shit.
[...]Blogs are a resource to create more agents, writers, more discussions.
Less authorities.
Using weblogs for ESL (ESL == English as a Second Language) (via Kairos News)
Overflow is a "data flow oriented" development environment. It can be use to build complex applications by combining small, reusable building blocks. In some way, it has similarities with Simulink and LabView, although it is not designed (and far) to be a "clone" of any of them.
And some sex to improve my popularity: Reality show on a adult entertainer
In the online-dating episode, you told a blind date what you did for a living, and she started lecturing you on the evils of porn. Was that the most traumatic diss you've recieved? Since that was filmed, yeah. You know, people have withdrawn their hands from mine with an "ewww."
Originally published as$481
11 mars 2003