Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Don't get distracted - 13/03/2003

Puerile, isn't it ?, or have been hacked down.
Disinfopedia, the encyclopedia of propaganda (via Boing Boing)
Perles Swine: Richard Perle, top advisor to the White House on Foreign Affairs, called Seymour Hersh - one of America's greatest investigative reporters - the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist, on CNN Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer.
So why did Perle call him a terrorist? Well, Hersh now writes for the New Yorker, and in this week's issue he breaks the story that Perle while chairing a secret civilian committee at the Pentagon that deals with the purchasing of munitions for upcoming wars, is also chairman of a company currently trying to raise capital to sell the very same.
BBC ends Sky digital deal and broadcasts for free.
Bollywood enters digital age. Better quality, cheaper to distribute. And harder to bootleg, maybe.
BOFH is so oldskool
Freedman's idea of the perfect IT tech: "Like a partner in a law firm, he knows that his job is a little bit services and a little bit relationship. Like an accountant that needs to keep up with changes in tax law, he knows that he needs to keep up with changes in technology or else his skills will become obsolete quickly. He's a combination of subject matter expert, business consultant, advisor, trainer and project manager.
And of course The Bastard Operator from Hell Official Archive
La recherche française dans la spirale du déclin
Alors que l'Amérique et le Japon ont depuis longtemps compris l'intérêt, au sens le plus capitalistique, d'investir massivement dans la science et la technologie, que plusieurs de nos voisins européens misent, eux aussi, résolument sur leur matière grise, le choix du gouvernement de réaliser des économies sur les crédits scientifiques, de tailler dans les effectifs des organismes en supprimant 150 postes de chercheurs, enfin de s'en remettre à une loi sur l'innovation qui doit être débattue au printemps pour relancer l'effort de recherche privé ne peut qu'entraîner la science française dans la spirale du déclin.
China's abortion clinic opens (via Rice Cooker)
A public debate has ignited after China opened its first abortion clinic in one of its most populated cities, state media said.
The clinic, which opened in south-western Chongqing last month, offers teenage girls free abortions - a service now in growing demand among China's youngsters as an increasing number become sexually active but receive no education about safe sex from schools or parents.
Megnut: Don't get distracted
While most of the media, and the world, is talking about Iraq, and Saddam Hussein, don't get distracted from some very real and pressing issues [in the US] (and no I'm not talking about the preposterous re-naming of french fries to freedom fries). The US Senate is voting this week on a bill to ban "partial-birth" abortions. The House has already approved the measure and President Bush is also expected to sign it.
LeMonde: Les nouvelles générations ne comprennent plus grand-chose à la contraception (via Emmanuel)
En 2002, 120 avortements ont été réalisés sur des femmes enceintes de 10 à 12 semaines, sans complication. Quand des patientes ont dépassé le délai légal, l'équipe leur glisse le numéro du Planning familial. L'association déniche alors un médecin à l'étranger, autorisé à opérer.
Originally published as$483
13 mars 2003