Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Adulte Chianti, stars wars, logiciel libre et muffuletta - 02/06/2005

Premier voyage avec Wikitravel au lieu d'un guide traditionnel (j'y ai ajouté un poil de Usenet quand même) et c'est plutôt pas mal.
J'ai bien aimé la Muffuletta (et c'est toujours à la Central Grocery qu'elles sont les meilleures), moins le Po'Boy . Et pour la musique, il ne faut pas aller sur Bourbon St mais après le French Market, sur Frenchmen Street.
Sinon, bien que tout le monde jurait que c'était sur l'Europe que portait le référendum, le non français a provoqué un changement de gouverment en France. Première intervention à TF1 "nous n'avons pas tout tenté contre le chômage". On se demande ce qu'ils attendaient pour tout tenter.
Il semble que le googleBot m'aime bien: maintenant pour une recherche sur adulte chianti (la suggestion surréaliste que propose Google quand on fait une recherche sur adulte chiant) et bien cet article est le premier résultat.
EETimes does some advertising for LaFnac: Bid adieu to 'fair use' concept
For instance, DVD regional coding no longer exists in Paris for patrons of FNAC, one of France's biggest consumer electronics retailers. After selecting a code-restricted DVD player of any brand, the customer need only report to a salesperson, who brandishes a specially programmed remote control and voil: Some Like It Hot fires up.
Is it legal? Who knows? But FNAC is one of the most powerful retailers in France, and it sells CDs and DVDs (including Region 1 disks) in massive volumes. Clearly it knows what free market means.
Also in EETimes, NIST traps Fourier transform for qubits
A QFT that was devised by Peter Shor at Bell Labs in 1994 is used as a final step in a quantum algorithm for factoring large numbers. Because of its effectiveness, Shor's algorithm, if implemented on a quantum computer, would be able to break codes easily based on prime-number factorization. A scalable QFT like NiST's could thus turn out to be a key component in building a quantum-computing system that would be large enough to perform realistic code-breaking demonstrations.
Rinus Roelofs, an artist who sculpts with mathematics (via Ned Batchelder's Blog who says "Rinus Roelofs is an artist who's taken up where Escher left off")
Seth Goding: Small is the new black
Small means that you will outsource the boring, low-impact stuff like manufacturing and shipping and billing and packing to others, while you keep the power because you invent the remarkable and tell stories to people who want to hear them.
Brazil adopts open-source software
The government here has its eye on a UN summit on information technology, to take place in Tunisia in November. Already, Brazilian diplomats are pushing for a final declaration that would stress the advantages of open-source software. They have won the backing of India and are now canvassing broader support from the developing world.
The Politics of Open Source Adoption is a wiki
We propose that, at this stage of F/OSS development and advocacy, we can begin to ask a different set of questions—not how open source works as a social and technical project, or whether open source provides benefits to a range of constituencies (in terms of cost, security, etc.), but rather how open source is becoming embedded in political arenas and policy debates.
A book under Creative Common: The Rise of Open Source Licensing, a Challenge to the Use of Intellectual Property in the Software Industry by Mikko Välimäki who teaches technology law at the Helsinki University of Technology.
Drawing from detailed case studies, historical narrative and the application of economic theory, this book shows how open source licensing is used for strategic advantage. Software developers enter open source to distribute their work more efficiently and increase innovation. Software is no longer property, they say. Interestingly, everything has worked despite - rather than because of - ever-expanding intellectual property rights.
Le Wiki dont vous êtes le héros ou comment jouer à Zork sur un wiki. C'est étonnant que y'ai pas encore de traduction...
Fiction interactive francophone, LE forum consacré aux jeux d'aventure textuels en français.
Once you're fed up with text only, you might want to play with your image, luckily, there is now some code to do motion detection with Python and a webcam (Win32 only so far)
Traduction Raider/Twix: Star Wars est traduit par LA guerre DES étoiles et donc si on fait des recherche sur les mélanges, genre stars war ou stars wars ou les guerres de l'étoile, y'a des hits; z6po (c3po) est moins populaire que D2R2(R2D2). La meilleure traduction reste quand même celle de Chewbacca: Chicktabba (et j'imagine la joie du traducteur quand sa proposition a été accepté!!!). Par contre, je me demande si chez Amazon France, l'erreur est volontaire ou non: Apprentis Jedi, la photo de couverture dit bien star wars mais le titre dit stars wars...
Originally published as$502