Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

Is my browser afraid of the Cookie monster ? - 30/08/2005

Found in a fortune cookie: Some men dream of fortunes, others dream of cookies. Lucky Numbers 4, 15, 16, 24, 36, 45 Learn Chinese: Boss - Lao Ban 老板
Un dégel sans précédent en Sibérie pourrait accélérer le réchauffement climatique et le même dans TheGuardian Warming hits 'tipping point'. Bref, les investisseurs malins étudient les cartes pour investir dans les prochaines plages.
A reminder, for the newly-present on the internet: don't trust anyone with your content, backup!!! Save TvTome
TV Tome was a site where people could edit their favorite shows and contribute info.
In April 2005, the webastard announced that he sold TV Tome and was moving to
This ticked the TV Tome members off. AND IT STILL DOES!
The Cookie Monster and its double in Avenue Q The Trekkie Monster
Trekkie Monster is obsessive about looking at and collecting porn on the internet, as Cookie Monster is obsessive about cookies.
Indie-pendence day? (to read theDeal, play with your javscript, or just use wget). Looks like some people really needs a major anyways.
Warner Music Group — one of four global companies dominating the production and distribution of music — [created] an "incubator" system almost immediately embraced by more than a dozen independent labels.
and via /. Online Comics Vs. Printed Comics: A Study in E-Commerce and the Comparative Economics of Content.
Speaking of independant artists, Lauren Hoffman is pre-releasing her new album "Choreography". She tried the major, she did not like it.
due to high personnel-turnover at virgin, lauren found herself delivering her album to strangers who were unsupportive of her creative vision. lauren asked to be released from her contract and left virgin, retaining the rights to all of her masters.
She also has a newly redesigned website and this quote is not on it anymore. Hence the WaybackMachine link.
Hell on Wheels, an interview of Mark Zupan, one of the protagonists of the movie Murderball
I was introduced to it about a month out of rehab. We had a recreational therapist who said, "All right, let's play rugby," and I was like, "Oh, okay. You just hit people—cool!" The allure was (a) the competitiveness and (b) the contact. The contact is pretty trippy—where else can you hit someone with a chair as hard as you want?
Risky Business, an indie distributor gambles on the explicit and the extreme
The man behind Tartan is Hamish McAlpine, a Scotsman known as much for his business acumen as his brash, dandyish persona (wearing white fur to premieres, getting into fistfights with Larry Clark, etc.). "I feel that America has been culturally challenged, and that's where we come in," says McAlpine of his decision to open a U.S. branch. "We're sort of an agent provocateur. We don't have to answer to any American stockholders or banks; we have no one saying we are too outrageous; we have no one holding us back. In other words, we are operating in the true spirit of independence." For McAlpine, embracing the risqué is essential to Tartan's branding strategy. "For the last 21 years Tartan has established a reputation for walking a line which others fear to tread," he says. "Sometimes that can take us into sexually explicit territory and other times into intellectually explicit arenas."
TheOnion has redone its website and ALL the archives are free for all. comments by the designer, via Waxy Links. Speaking of the AV Club, two recents interviews: with Geoff Johns, comic book author and with Brian K. Vaughan, comic book author
LeMonde Soixante ans après sa défaite, le Japon cherche encore sa place dans le monde
Ces ambiguïtés sur la perception du passé alimentent un néo-nationalisme identitaire qui, dans ses expressions les plus extrêmes, confine à un négationnisme plus virulent que par le passé. Ce néo-nationalisme apparaît, comme ailleurs, comme une réaction à la mondialisation, l'ouverture des frontières suscitant de frileux replis identitaires.
En Asie du Nord-Est, la Chine et la Corée du Sud connaissent des mouvements similaires. Se nourrissant les uns les autres, ils présentent le risque d'engendrer une spirale émotionnelle échappant aux gouvernements, qui les utilisent pour faire avancer leurs objectifs politiques.
et un peu plus tard Chine et Japon, rivaux et complémentaires et Tokyo exprime ses "sincères excuses".
La version/vision chinoise: Le premier ministre japonais présente des excuses pour l'agression de son pays dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale et La Chine souhaite que les engagements du Japon se traduisent par des actes concrets et Le journal d'un soldat japonais publié en Chine et enfin La Chine et le Japon partagent des intérêts dans le secteur du pétrole et de l'énergie, selon le secrétaire général du Forum asiatique de Bo'ao
L'entreprise contre la pauvreté, la dernière chance de libéraliser par Jacques Baratier, avec la collaboration de Bruno Tilliette, préface de Jean-Claude Guillebaud, Ed. Autrement, 2005, 188 p., 14,95 euros (via le Canard enchainé)
Maybe it does take a village
Today there is an alternative. Nongovernmental microfinance organizations are showing, in country after country, that by providing tiny amounts of capital directly to individuals to fund businesses that they can run themselves, you enable change and, in fact, make a profit. Unlike government ministers who want to die richer than Croesus, these folks pay back their loans. Combine the concept of microfinance with inexpensive technology, and you have an explosive mixture.
'Hard fun' yields lessons on nature of intelligence
EETimes: In some of your writing, you have indicated that the arts side of education is more receptive to this [method of learning] than the hard technical people. Is that a trend that you see?
David Cavallo: Absolutely. When we start to work with a school system, they usually send us the science teacher, the computer teacher, the math teacher. Our response is, "Send us the art teachers." They're used to working with a variety of materials, and they want to know "What is the idea, what is the vision?" It's been really successful in terms of the feel for these projects.
LeMonde Brian Eno : "Je défends l'idée d'une écologie de la culture"
Si vous demandez à vingt scientifiques pourquoi ils ont choisi la science, ils donneront à peu près la même réponse, ils cherchent pour la plupart à savoir comment fonctionne le monde. Si vous demandez à vingt artistes pourquoi ils font de l'art, vous obtiendrez de multiples réponses, souvent confuses. Si vous demandez : "Pourquoi croyez-vous que les gens aiment l'art ?", ce sera encore plus confus. Ce sujet sur lequel nous passons tant de temps à réfléchir et travailler reste un grand mystère. Nous devrions être capables de rationaliser cela.
Note: Defying Hitler: A Memoir existe aussi en français Histoire d'un Allemand : Souvenirs 1914-1933
Back to EETimes, Eyewear mimics image of big flat-panel display
Kopin (Taunton, Mass.) offers OEMs tiny single-crystal silicon microdisplays that combine with a magnifying lens to project onto the retina an image that appears to be coming from 20- to 30-inch displays.
Compiler turns FPGAs into supercomputers
Mitrionics (Lund, Sweden) is preparing a development platform based on a virtual processor and a software development kit. It lets users write concise programs in the proprietary Mitrion-c language, and then compile them into a massively parallel, reconfigurable processor. The development kit outputs VHDL code for the targeted FPGA.[...] The Mitrion platform will be available in October. A perpetual license to run the Mitrion Virtual Processor on a single FPGA is $7,000. The software development kit will be available for an annual support fee.
Almost done with the advertizing!!! The TriCaster is a Webcasting appliance that combines audio and video mixing capabilities with powerful encoding capabilities, all in a portable form factor. Starting Price: $4,995. Some reviews EContent , Digital Producer Mag , Streaming Media , video Toaster NT and Extreme Tech
Originally published as$507
30 août 2005 Clés: