Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Looking for the Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

How come all the heroes are black? - 20 janvier 2006

What’s Missing Is A System (via Ashaland, on writing/motherhood)

After reading the books I cited for Civil Rights Day to the kids, my 8-year-old son, Blake asked, “How come all the heroes are black?”
Silence filled the space that my loss for words left. I stared at Blake for a minute. What other heroes have I introduced to him? Rosa Parks died not long ago, and we discussed her. Black again.

Vieux con ou quand j'étais jeune, c'était autre chose.

Y'avait pas de mp3 ou de P2P. Tu voulais de la musique gratuite, t'avais à prendre le bus pour aller chez ce putain de disquaire et tirer le vinyl en douce sans se faire prendre tout seul. Ou alors, fallait attendre toute la journée pour l'enregistrer à la radio et bien sûr le DJ causait sur l'intro et ça foutait tout en l'air.

La version originale en mp3 (2.2 Mo) par Ernie Cline.

In Compute! Issue 113 / October 1989, what will 2001 be like ? (via Waxy.Links)

The completion of a nationwide Integrated Systems Digital Network will throw this field wide open. The data equivalent of the interstate highways. ISDN will simultaneously transmit voice, video, and computer data over existing phone wires. [...]
"It'll definitely replace the need to use modems," says Greg Simons, president of Primera Software in Berkeley, California. "The things we enjoy in an office where we hardwire computers, you'll be able to enjoy all around the world. You can have a voice-mail network all around the United States."
ISDN will make giant databases much more accessible. "If I'm going to Seattle and I wanted lo read the Seattle paper, I could do it now." says Simons. "Or if I wanted t see what's on TV there, I could see it right now."

Meet Ted,your new way of downloading tv shows from the web! it will automatically download torrents of new episodes!

Ted is made by Roel and Joost, two tv show addicts from Europe. Because it takes about 6 months before new episodes of Lost, The Simpsons and South Park are aired here in Europe, we use the internet to watch our favourite shows. And we needed a tool like ted because we didn't want to check for new episodes every day. Now ted does that for us!

It also works for show that are NEVER aired in some parts of Europe, like the Daily Show.

An alternative is always nget, the command line nntp file grabber.

Life in Text Mode documents the software he finds most useful to his text-mode guerrilla lifestyle.(via 0xDECAFBAD)

surfraw is a collection of command-line based jumping-points to various web-based information, mostly searches. For a quick google search, I need only go to a command line and type 'sr google my search terms'.

hacker, towards an understanding of a word and a concept.

Most Underrated API? The Yahoo! Term Extractor (via Simon Willison's Weblog)

you point it at a piece of content — a news article, blog post, movie review or whatever — and it returns a list of terms, or keywords (or “tags” for those of you keeping score at home).

Nouvelle Vague: En 2005, le cinéma français a séduit à l'étranger

Pour l'année 2005, sept des dix premiers films de production majoritaire française ont fait de meilleurs résultats à l'étranger qu'en France, dont La Marche de l'empereur (16,2 millions de spectateurs à l'étranger, 1,8 en France), Le Transporteur 2 (11 millions de spectateurs à l'étranger, 1,2 en France) ou Haute Tension (815 000 spectateurs à l'étranger, 110 000 en France).

Et, différence entre la version française et la version U.S. de la Marche de l'empereur (the March of the Penguin en v.u.s.): Morgan Freeman raconte le film en anglais, alors qu'en français, les manchots parlent avec les voix de Charles Berling, Romane Bohringer et Jules Sitruk (imdb liste les voix des autres pays)

Q. The French version is different, isn’t it?
A. Indeed it is, the story is told by three voices. It’s not the penguins speaking but it’s three voices telling their story whereas in the English language version there’s only the one narrator. The film has been released in more than 50 countries, and when it goes to that level you have to trust the distributors. There are other distributors who haven’t worked with Warners, and it’s very frustrating to watch your film damaged through the translation.