Nothing and Some More

Hello world... again! Am I Ugly in Grey, or what ??

Looking for the The Google Font? It is Catull, but found out more about the Google logo by reading the Google Font Page

Fancy reading my Spam collection ? It's even getting multilingual

Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux... want to try it ??? Knoppix is really nice. And easy. Download, burn, reboot. Et voila, Linux is running...

(oxy)Moronic Referential Linkbot, moi? No Comment - 20 avril 2006

Kottke: Referential vs. Experiential Bloggers (and the sequel Writers and editors)

The theory: There are two kinds of bloggers, referential and experiential.[...]
The referential blogger uses the link as his fundamental unit of currency, building posts around ideas and experiences spawned elsewhere: Look at this. Referential bloggers are reporters, delivering pointers to and snippets of information, insight or entertainment happening out there, on the Intraweb. They can, and do, add their own information, insight and entertainment to the links they unearth -- extrapolations, juxtapositions, even lengthy and personal anecdotes -- but the outward direction of their focus remains their distinguishing feature.
The experiential blogger is inwardly directed, drawing entries from personal experience and opinion: How about this. They are storytellers (and/or bores), drawing whatever they have to offer from their own perspective. They can, and do, add links to supporting or explanatory information, even unique and undercited external sources. But their motivation, their impetus, comes from a desire to supply narrative, not reference it.

Embruns: Petits joueurs

Mon axiome est simple, un blogue sans commentaires n’est pas un blogue.

Signum sine tinnitu: The First 100 Days: Observations of a Nouveau Blogger

3. There are three kinds of bloggers: human newsbots (is this an oxymoron?), ranters, and essayists. Each kind is an art form. The third category, the essayists, might be the most difficult kind of blogging, and unfortunately, the category I aspire to. It's a good thing I have eight books to plagiarize. (Two “I”s in one paragraph!)

And his tagline is Blogger. n. Someone with nothing to say writing for someone with nothing to do.

Off The Record: Can Village Voice Make It Without Its Lefty Zetz? (via Romenesko)

“I want our writers to start reporting,” [Michael Lacey, Village Voice Media’s executive editor] said. “One of the things that happened with the Internet and blogging is that it made simple punditry in newsprint irrelevant. It’s no longer timely.”

Serge Gainsbourg: No Comment

Si j'ai quoi affirmatif
et quoi d'autre no comment
Si je baise affirmatif
quoi des noms no comment

And so you don't entirely waste your time by reading the above quotes, Map Gallery of Religion in the United States, based on the 2000 US Census data. Wikipedia has a nice map of the USA with the state names (in SVG)

20 avril 2006 Clés: